A Study on the Epidemiology and Testing of Human Epidermal Growth Factor-Receptor 2 (HER2) in Breast Cancer in Germany
- Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Germany
NCT02666261 ML29763
Study Summary
This non-interventional study will collect data from routine diagnostics on HER2 testing of breast cancer in Germany.
A Non-interventional Study on the Epidemiology and Testing of HER2 in Breast Cancer in Germany
Eligibility Criteria
- Samples derived from men and women of age greater than or equal to (>/=) 18 years
- Samples derived from participants with any stage of histologically confirmed invasive breast cancer with HER2 diagnostics performed within routine (histo-)pathological workup or
- (Histo-)Pathological work-up of the tumor sample as at or after start of this study
- Available information on the year of birth of the participant
- No pre-selection of tumor samples is allowed. Tumor samples have to be documented consecutively in the order of their (histo-)pathological work-up.
- Sample derived from participants with any stage of breast cancer with no HER2 diagnostics performed at the time of routine (histo-)pathological work-up.
- Samples derived prior to the start of this study.
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