A French Study to Evaluate the Usefulness of Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Sensor to Improve Glycemic Control in Participants With Diabetes Mellitus.
- Metabolic Disorder
- Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- France
NCT03445065 RD003329
Study Summary
This study will be conducted in France and will evaluate the usefulness of using a long-term subcutaneously inserted continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensor (the Eversense XL CGM System) to improve glycemic control in patients with either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus under insulin therapy. Participants will be enrolled into one of two cohorts (Cohorts 1 and 2). Cohort 1 will be focused on participants with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes with hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) >8%. Cohort 2 will be focused on participants with Type 1 diabetes spending more than 1.5 hours per day with mean glucose <70 mg/dL, including excursions below 54 mg/dL, for at least 28 days. Within each cohort, participants will be randomized in a 2:1 ratio to one of two groups: the Enabled and Control groups, respectively. The Enabled group will be trained to use the CGM system, whereas the Control group will continue with their usual glucose monitoring system (self-monitoring of blood glucose [SMBG] or flash glucose monitoring [FGM]).
Benefits of a Long Term Implantable Continuous Glucose Monitoring System for Adults With Diabetes - France Randomized Clinical Trial
Eligibility Criteria
- Male and female participants at least 18 years of age
- Clinically confirmed diagnosis of Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes mellitus for ≥1 year and using insulin by multiple-daily subcutaneous injections or insulin pump and an HbA1c > 8% (Cohort 1)
- Clinically confirmed diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes mellitus for ≥1 year and using insulin by multiple-daily subcutaneous injections or insulin pump and spending more than more than 1.5 hour with sensor glucose <70 mg/dl per day including excursions below 54 mg/dl as a mean for at least 28 days (Cohort 2)
- Participant is willing to comply with protocol
- Female participants of childbearing capacity (defined as not surgically sterile or not menopausal for ≥ 1 year) who are lactating or pregnant, intending to become pregnant, or not practicing birth control during the course of the study
- A condition preventing or complicating the placement, operation or removal of the Sensor or wearing of transmitter, including upper extremity deformities or skin condition
- History of hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV
- Currently receiving (or likely to need during the study period): immunosuppressant therapy; chemotherapy; anticoagulant/antithrombotic therapy (excluding aspirin < 2000 mg per day); antibiotics for chronic infection (e.g. osteomyelitis, endocarditis)
- A condition requiring or likely to require magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
- Known topical or local anesthetic allergy
- Known allergy to glucocorticoids or using systemic glucocorticoids (excluding topical, optical or nasal but including inhaled)
- Any condition that in the investigator's opinion would make the participant unable to complete the study or would make it not in the participant's best interest to participate in the study. Conditions include, but are not limited to, psychiatric conditions, known current or recent alcohol abuse or drug abuse by participant history, a condition that may increase the risk of induced hypoglycemia or risk related to repeated blood testing. Investigator will supply rationale for exclusion
- Participation in another clinical investigation (drug or device) within 2 weeks prior to screening or intent to participate during the study period
- Legal incompetence or limited legal competence
- Dependency on sponsor or Investigator (e.g. co-worker or family member)
- The presence of any other active implanted device
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